
bbq with class:D

by - Friday, June 05, 2009


i shall update about the bbq without pics...cos need to wait for faviia to upload tonight. hahaha~

i met weiting and jeant first... bus to parkway parade. den met angela. walked to underpass. saw ntuc. so called classmates see whether dey wan anything. hahaha! indeed! dey want water and ice. LOLS! nice people lijia and tequan came to help me! hahaha~ thankyou!
walked tgt to our pit. weiting and her frens have to walk further up. LOLS!
once i reached, chunkiat kept feeding me. LOLS! im supposed to help shihan bbq but in the end, i am sitting down eating. cos our chef is chunchun!! thankyou! some of them were playing captain's ball. i join in awhile. hahah~
den me, lijia, ifah, matthew and tingfong went to i dont noe wad water lars. wth~ haha! played games...telling super lame things that i could not catch some of them...hahah! and we went for food! hahaha~ peiting came:)
so all i do is to eat and talk. oh...den matthew was doing this fortune telling thing. i didnt try. but see mostafa and tingfong. LOLS! seem interesting~ haha!
after packing up, we gave agassi his t-shirt with our messages written on it. it's quite sad to say goodbye. i think my classmates feel the same too. i hope agassi will rmb us! hahaha~ rmb hors! my message on the shirt. if u dare forget us, i will SLAP u! hahaha~
den went home. hahaha~ supposed to bus with tingfong to amk..but it's too late.
therefore, went home with lijia and tequan. the rest went pooling:D

ya..that's all about it!
i had fun.....haha!
more to come eh?

agassi, pls dont cry. haha!
me not sure whether seeing u off on wed.
anyways, keep in touch..althou we like know each other for just 1 month plus -.-
come singapore when u are on holiday! hahahaha~

me going out soon!

i dont noe wad im doing~

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