
Birthday Post

by - Monday, February 01, 2016

I have turned 26th years old on the 30th January!
How time flies~ 25th was like yesterday when I was super lost and worried because I've hit the quarter crisis. But life goes on for me..

25th was a lost year for me buried with many uncertainties. What I want for the future, where will I be in 5 years time, when will I accomplish my goals? All these thoughts were haunting and were depressing for me, because I have no answers to all.

And then, the year ended so quickly without allowing me to think hardly. The days have gotten busier at the end of 2015 that I was a little tired mentally and physically.

Next, January came by and passed like nobody business. I realized after you start your quarter crisis, many people start probing you questions regarding future and marriage. Not sure if to say they just wanna mock at me being not a degree holder and still working at the same company since 2012, and 26th and still single.

To be honest, I'm really not affected by what others think. I live the life I want and no one has the rights to make any decisions for me.

I welcome my 26th, seriously not much feelings. But am gladful to spend the day with my long time girls. Simplicity is only what I wish for. Simple meal with people I love.. perhaps I'm just easily contented.

Penning my thoughts becoming tougher each time now. If you ask me whether I am still lost in direction, my answer would be a partial Yes. I feel I haven't accomplish much so I am kind of angry with myself. hahaha~ Career wise, it's like a never-ending road for me to learn. Of course I am always looking for better opportunities than making rash decison and fail. Stepping out of comfort zone is not something easy. It's kind of annoying that people around keep asking you when you leaving the co. Why not just quit and search later? Please~ I'm not that foolish to risk my career life like this. Perhaps, these people are too rich that they can afford surviving without a job for few months. hehs~

My relationship status have become a topic among family and friends too. I think many people are curious about this besides my parents. -.- They say women age faster than guys (ya. ikr) physically and mentally. somehow agree and very highly disagree. In this century, women don't get married in early 20s or mid 20s? There are more independent women nowadays? Who doesn't hope to have a guy who love her? Who doesn't hope for a guy to appear? To be honest, it's more irritating when people keep asking you to go out and expand network. I can't deny we have to meet new people but with an agenda. Sorry~  I don't make friends easily but I can try.

Im getting old? Sorry, 26 to me doesn't seem old. Perhaps I will get panic if I am 30 now. hahaha! Right now, I have not meet any guy who I want to be with, maybe there is. But I'm not someone who fall in love easily. And actually, I very much appreciate people around to stop worrying that I will be single for life. It's really none of your business. All I need is support, morally.

To the day I'm still breathing, I will try to love.
Thanks with love.

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