My friends have been talking this beauty pot. And I finally get to try:) We went early like left the office on the dot, just to avoid the dinner crowd. And yes~ there were no crowd at the time we arrived. Just be reminded that they require everyone in your group to reach, in order to get a table. Just so you know, 美人鍋 is actually using collagen as base. So the above picture is actually...
Having a hard time writing this post. Just can't believe I am 25 now. But I admit I am still quite childish at times. There's a saying that goes "young at heart". hahaha! I truly agree.. Age is just a number ;) When I look back from now, I have many ambitions and they changes as I grow up. However, when I think of it. I started my blogshop in secondary school just taking preorders....
Just a random capture on a particular Sunday from my room. I kind of miss the days where the big field is still around. Occupied by families having pinic, flying kites. Now is just buildings and buildings. My first ever Ilao Ilao. Love the biscuit and sauce but the yogurt is just so-so. Met up with my ladies over the last weekend to celebrate 2 January babies. YUMZ! It's my first time trying vegetarian style...
"Who are you to judge the life I have? I am not perfect and I don't have to be. Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley It's mid-week again! This week seems to be smooth. Im kind of not productive at work :( Let's all work hard! ...
"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination" - Nelson Mandela Whooooopiiii! Twister Fries is back! So I can't resist the temptation! 14/01: Papa Yap's birthday! We don't celebrate birthdays.. but just a simple meal together. Wishing papa to be as healthy as always! First birthday celebration with the new dept. Thanks a lot! 16 more days to BKK! Can't wait! 11 more days to 25th birthday (scary). Till then... ...
“I'm open to everything. When you start to criticize the times you live in, your time is over.” - Karl Lagerfeld Down with flu. Feeling terrible. Nonetheless, happy weekend to all. I can't wait for my break in 19 more days!!! ...
Happy girls are the prettiest - Audrey Hepburn Honestly, I am a person who have so many thoughts running through my mind, and then started thinking negatively. That's really bad. I can't help it with such moodswings. I always get myself into trouble with my bffs due to this redundant thoughts without clarifying or sounding out to them. I don't usually speak my mind and am not used to it. I feel weird. This year...
"People will stare. Make it worth their while" - Harry Winston How's everyone doing so far?? Don't ask me but what I can say is SO FAR SO GOOD. hahaha! I started 2015 great so my hopes are still high for the rest of the year. Have been watching some Taiwanese shows talking about horoscopes. And mine (Aquarius) seem to have no a very good year. So I will try to prevent it from spoiling....
My uncle happened to tag us on FB. Kind of miss the days when I am totally ignorant. Met up with long time no see classmates in Poly days. The days we do silly things in class. All no image! burrrrp!! ...
Bidding a goodbye to 2014, now we have come to 2015. Everyone will be busy penning down their 2015 resolutions, I am no different. I have many hopes and things that I want to fulfill in 2015. 1. New Beginnings for Maison de Posh I am venturing into new e-commerce website for my online shop. Most likely I will be choosing Shopify as the new platform. And of course to give a domain. It is...
I have never tried Honey Creme yet. But I have heard many bad reviews about it. So I tried Honeycomb. Honeycomb is opened by the folks behind Stateland cafe. I really like it a lot! Honey, granola, soft serve. How healthy! hehhee! Proceeded to Stateland cafe after Honeycomb. I remembered my last visit to Stateland was when Honeycomb hasn't exist yet. Now Stateland has become a 2 storey cafe. And they even change their menu....
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