
Stress at Work

by - Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Was reading this article awhile ago. Shall with everyone.
It is going to be my 2nd year in the company. And of cause I see more things clearly right now. 

Recently, I kind of get tired seeing my colleagues everyday. Some of them are really an eye sore. Yes, after you get to know them. You just want them freaking get out of your eyesight.

Work have been the same. Doing same thing but I think I am loaded a little more than some people who complained they are overloaded? LOLS! When I heard it, I feel like listening to some jokes. They overloaded with work? They are busy? It's total bullshit. The people who have more work loads than you are not complaining. Who are you to complain. Go do some reflections!

And so.. getting back to the article. This article shares more about tips to reduce work stress. I find it interesting.. hahah! There are a total of 6 tips. So I am gonna list them down and summarized abit.

Tip 1: Recognize signs/symptoms of excessive stress at work.
I do not if some of you feel the same. When you are stress out, you feel easily irritated, you lose confidence in your work. Like physically and emotionally worn out. This is bad.. I think.


  • Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed
  • Loss of interest in work
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle tension or headaches
  • Social withdrawal
Tip 2: Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself 
  • Exercise: Aerobic exercise is a hugely effective way to lift your mood, increase energy, sharpen focus, and relax both the mind and body.
  • Eat Healthy: Eating small but frequent meals, you can help your body maintain an even level of blood sugar, keep your energy up, stay focused, and avoid mood swings.
  • Get Enough Sleep: 8 hours of sleep every day.
  • Get help from family or friends: Sharing your feelings face to face with another person can help relieve some of the stress. The other person doesn’t have to ret to “fix” your problems; he or she just has to be a good listener. Accepting support is not a sign of weakness and it won’t mean you’re a burden to others. In fact, most friends will be flattered that you trust them enough to confide in them, and it will only strengthen your bond.
Tip 3: Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing
  • Time Management: Create balanced schedule, do not over-commit, plan regular breaks.
  • Task Management: Prioritize tasks, delegate responsibility, willing to compromise.
Tip 4: Improve Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-awareness: Recognize your emotions and their impact while using gut feelings to guide your decisions.
  • Self-management: Control your emotions and behavior and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Social awareness: Able to sense. understand other's emotions.
  • Relationship management: Able to influence others, manage conflict.
Tip 5: Reduce job stress by breaking bad habits 
  • Resist perfectionism.
  • Clean up your act.
  • Flip your negative thinking.
  • Do not try to control the uncontrollable. 
Tip 6: Learn how managers or employers can reduce job stress
  • Improve communication.
  • Social interaction.
Source: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/work_stress_management.htm

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