
I.L.L.N.E.S.S > D.E.A.T.H

by - Monday, January 20, 2014

As we grow, we came to realise how weak a human can be.
Honestly, I have turned a little emotional as I grow. Maybe what they said is true. We have seen, go through much more as compared we were young.

Illness, I have people around me falling ill. Some are my friends, some are just acquaintance. But when I heard of them falling ill out of sudden, I'm always dumbfounded. I start reflecting why should we hate, why should we be sad, of life. We should be sad because the illness is gonna end our lives, we should not be sad because of unhappiness in what we have experienced.

It is really scary to me nowadays. I always pray for my loved ones to be healthy and happy.

Death, I believe all of us will be gone one day. When is it - we do not have an answer. We can just be gone while walking, sleeping or eating. Death is uncontrollable.

Times like this... I stay quiet just to do some self-reflect.
Reflecting about everything, everyone.

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