

by - Monday, January 13, 2014

I don't know how many of you felt the same as me.

Sometimes, I just want to be alone. Alone, in my own world. Hoping there are no disturbance. No intruders to the peace I want.
When someone breaks that peace or step into that boundary, you just gave a deadly stare or felt annoyed.

I am like that. Sometimes, I detached myself away from the world. I do not where I traveled to, but only know I want to be alone. Maybe a me-time. That is why I may rejected some outings at times. I just cant be helped. I just want my world to be quiet at that very moment.

I admit I always build an invisible wall around me when I'm at work or when I don't feel like interacting with anyone even my close friends. My family members might get this often at home.

I just dislike my world being intruded. Sometimes you just need peace in your mind to live longer and happier. Don't you think so?

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