
130130; 나의생일!

by - Saturday, March 09, 2013

Delayed post again.
Being an working adult is seriously no joke tiring. I have been OT this few weeks. Going explode anytime.

But nonetheless, gonna blog about my 23rd birthday now! :D

Thanks to my Kaizen mates and Billing team for the surprise and celebration. Much appreciated. Especially after going through a hard time personally. All these really lighten up my mood and heal my heart.

Took a day off on my birthday to meet Jane & Jiayi for brunch.
Brunch @ Wild Honey! It's a lil dark and we din take picture. urgh~
Walk around and catch up a lil with them. Feel so simple and happy!! hehehe! thank you girls!

My BFFs! Tinghuan & Faviia met me after their work.
These 2 girls planned it. Thank you for planning and treating me. I know it cost a bomb for your pockets. I feel so bliss to have 2 lovely besties. Making me happy always. Although I din express it out but down deep inside, I truly thankful to the both of them. 
They would probably be the people who saved me when Im being abandon. Love~~~

Thank you Deborah for asking the girls to help buy the cake for me too! So sweet of her.

Lastly, thanks for all the wishes that I have received. I have had a simple yet happy 23rd birthday.
To think I went through a hard time before that. I really thankful to those who stayed with me. Love yaz!

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