Good Saturday! Lazing around at home. Gonna meet the group which I have not been meeting later for dinner^^ Watched the latest 2 episodes of Iris 2! Please give poor Lee Joon more scenes~~ stop neglecting him! I just cant wait to launch my Maison de Posh asap. Not sure if it's gonna be a success. But I just wanna do something I like and wanted to do. #YOLO yes! I only live once and...
Aloha Mercredi!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 / BY hseolahcc
안녕! Before the page starts to rot all over again. I will post a little since I have a a bit of self-time now. Heeeeesss~ The days are gettin better. Lesser stress than last few weeks. Imma so happy. This week I have not been staying late after work. Log off early. Content. I finally get to leave when the sky are still clear~ It's a pay back self time for all the before damages...
Thursday, March 14, 2013 / BY hseolahcc
Hello! February post! This month would probably the best! Maybe because of Lunar New Year. haha! Let's start! Meet up with the program alumnis! hahaha! Had mookata at somewhere near farrer park. It's delicious except the location. Or maybe we dont drive so it was kind of tired for us to get there with hungry minds. hahah! love it! Thank you Aloy for suggesting. ahaha! And the round mushrooms! LOLS! Lovely people I met in...
130130; 나의생일!
Saturday, March 09, 2013 / BY hseolahcc
Delayed post again. Being an working adult is seriously no joke tiring. I have been OT this few weeks. Going explode anytime. But nonetheless, gonna blog about my 23rd birthday now! :D Thanks to my Kaizen mates and Billing team for the surprise and celebration. Much appreciated. Especially after going through a hard time personally. All these really lighten up my mood and heal my heart. Took a day off on my birthday to meet...
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