

by - Monday, September 17, 2012

안녕 여를분!

Here to post a little and shall head to bed.

Had fun a few days back.
On Friday was co's bowling night! First time bowling after so long? hahaha!
First company event with colleagues. Happy! ^^

Met the usuals on Saturday! Thankyou faviia and tinghuan for accompany me to get my stuffs.
And then we met the guys for Ted. Not really nice for me though. Dirty bear! LOLS! but funny!

Spent my Sunday at home resting.

Monday today... system testing the whole day. TIRED. brain dead at a point.
Mummy is sick. 4 days mc for her:(( hope she gets well.

OHYA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LONG YI DIDI! ^^ Hope you enjoyed your day!

I always hope everyday will be a good day. Thats all I hope. Today considered a good one.
How about tomorrow? Please make my day a great one:)


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