hello!im here for awhile.and yea, me not watching Transformer with frens.im abit down today. not sure why too.thanks pple like eileen, faviia and yeechin. they know me not myself today and tried to cheer me up by making my laugh. anyways, i did laugh as usual but not talking only lars.went home after sch.i will be quite free after this week, i guess.gonna go sch early tmr for project.yes! i haven done research for our...
yes!it's another week again.same routine!catching transformer 2 tmr with frens.also, i haven done my research for wrtoral! nice one!tuesday need to have it. LOLS!busfund ppt half done. still waiting for my groupmates to send me theirs.besides that, we need to noe who should present which. hais~just let thur come and go quickly!hahah~i tink i need to study more!LOLS! ...
pictures update from joanne's bdae:Dmy sweeties!BIRTHDAY GIRL!! last few days were super tired cos of the busfund proposal.. hahah!i stayed up late night and woke up 6plus for sch.well, went to sch and realised my classmates were in the same state as me. LOLS!many were late. hahaha!tutor decided to give us free time to complete our proposal.went engfund lecture...was thinking whether shld skip. haha~ but i did not.next was my break time. actually i have...
hey yo!gonna get back to work after blogging:)gotten back my term tests results. it's like shit! but i passed everything! hahaha~im happy with engfund and busfund:Dhaha!today engfund lab was great! i didnt struggle!i understand encoder and decoder..managed to do the experiment myself! yes! myself hors!but my tutor doesnt seem to believe me! wth~ hahaha! anyways, i still like him lars! so cute!i shall study hard for this and aim for a better grade this coming...
HAPPY 18TH BDAE JOANNE LOW!enjoy urself:)hello!im back to update:) hahaha~shall start with friday.i met jasmine and wilson first. den met jinming at cine for dinner. after dinner, we walked to ngee ann city as there's a samsung jet roadshow..with 10 male promoters..LOLS! chatted with them...and we went some where that is not very visible and sit. wanting to wait for my cousin to end work. however, we walked back to cine without waiting for him...
my holiday gonna end this week. yes~ monday is back to sch...and i am depressed cos i have things undone:( time is running up!however, my holidays are well spent! hahaha~i have been out for almost everyday and hardly stay home.now, when i stay home for the whole day, i find it super duper boring! wtf!i used to love staying at home...but now it's the other way round.if u realised, im becoming lazy to even blog!...
hello!!!miss me miss me??haahah~i shall start on wed..hahah!wed,met joanne at hougang mrt. headed to orchard. weiting joined us dere.walked around wisma. tried on clothes...but doesnt fit me:(decided to go far east... bought some clothings lars...but not enough lehs! ahaha!i bought my havaianas, like finally. LOLS!after shopping, met cousin, jasmine and nic at heeren...bus-ed to meet the rest at ps.as we met late, so aston should be having long queue, therefore, we dined at cafe cartel:)chit...
hello!i rot at home today! and i feel happy rotting at home. hahaha!watched videos blabla...also, i eat alot.i had laksa at 11 going 12... den at 2plus 3, i feel hungry and cooked ramen. wth~ fat!!!at night, i had kfc. wtf! ahahaha!watched 福气又安康... only first episode..but i find it nice:)try to watch it...it's like dont noe how long long long since i watched taiwan dramas lers lohs!hahah!anyways, daddy is now at hospital. tink he kana...
hahaha~me currently at adeline aka ah jiao's house. LOLS!the bird!shall use her lappy to update. hahaha~on friday, i met frens at amk to buy things. hehs~ den met cousin's frens to town. went hk cafe first. after dat, dey went shopping. LOLS! the rest came later....due to the pushing here and dere, we could not watch the 930 slot show. hahaha~ therefore, caught 1140 de. movie ended late...cousin's fren sent me home cos dey going...
hello!i shall update about the bbq without pics...cos need to wait for faviia to upload tonight. hahaha~i met weiting and jeant first... bus to parkway parade. den met angela. walked to underpass. saw ntuc. so called classmates see whether dey wan anything. hahaha! indeed! dey want water and ice. LOLS! nice people lijia and tequan came to help me! hahaha~ thankyou!walked tgt to our pit. weiting and her frens have to walk further up. LOLS!once...
just woke up not long..LOLS!gonna be out soon.i hope i will have the energy to bbq.hahha~my hobby is to SLEEP!hahaha~ ...
yoooo!finally i ended my 3 days tests! hhaha!so happy cos it's term break!!!! hahaha~firstly, i wanna cure my sickening eyebags. LOLS! it's freaking ugly:(hahaha~ so i will sleep alot!then, shall work and work...although only weekends..haha! but i wan more money! haha~okays...ytd's busfund paper was a disaster. omg! i didnt noe there's a 3rd question at the last page until time is almost up like in 1min. LOLS! so i just write wad i can think...
my girls! anyways, studied for business fund!wth~ it just cant get in my brain...nothing! well, except those definitions. it's worse than social studied. LOLS! at least i can rmb wad i studied for social studies. but busfund just.... hais~im starting to worry for my paper tmr:( im happy if the paper is all mcqs but there are structured questions mean essay. wth~i hope it gets better later when i study chap 2 and 3:)i took...
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