
Timing is everything

by - Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"Timing is everything.
If it's meant to happen, it will.
At the right time
At the right place
For the right reason"

It has been a tiring period ever since I'm back from SFO. But I guess adulthood is meant to be like that? You have lesser time with family and friends. You find ways to even things out, set your priorities right, etc.

It was physically and mentally tiring for me because of work and some personal reasons. I am glad I have friends around me helping and encouraging me to hang on. I am someone who overthinks, and I know it's bad. But I can't help it.

This period of time besides me going through depressing moments, I've seen a few stories around me. As a by-stander, I have my views on each stories. Who doesn't want to be success in life, who doesn't want to meet someone good, who doesn't want happiness. I see people hurting each other, see people going through heartbreaks, see them fighting for what they want.

Sometimes, you don't have right or wrong answers or an exact answer to your question. All you have to is to believe it happen for a reason, good or bad, and we grow through every chapter.

I wish everyone to be happy always :)

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