
Post-holiday Thoughts

Monday, February 29, 2016 / BY hseolahcc
"Enlightenment is not an attainment, it is a realization. And when you wake up, everything changes and nothing changes." - Dan Millman Hello everyone! I'm back from San Francisco. I can't describe how happy I was, because visiting the United States is like one of my goals in life. Even though, I only visited SFO this time, but stepping into the States is accomplished. I've made it. I don't know how some of you feel....

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Reply 1988

Friday, February 26, 2016 / BY hseolahcc
At first when the news was out for Reply 1988, my reaction was "Again? How many series they want to make?" But because the reviews were so good like the previous 2 series and I have nothing to watch after She Was Pretty. I gave Reply 1988 a chance. LOLS! And I must say this is the best Reply series. It's very related to what most of us are going through. Even though it was...

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TAIWAN 2015; Cafe Waiting Love

Thursday, February 25, 2016 / BY hseolahcc
This cafe no need introduction because it was from a famous taiwan movie. Named after the show Cafe Waiting Love. And of course a mandatory shot with the sign. They have interesting menu with interesting names given to each coffee. How to get there: Take to Qizhang Station Take a cab the taxi stand (it's kind of inaccessible) Address: 台北市文山區一壽街44巷1號1樓 Taipei, Wen Shan District, No.1, Level 1, Yishou Street, Lane 44 ...

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Saturday, February 06, 2016 / BY hseolahcc
Next stop in Taiwan is TAIPEI! TAIPEI city never fails especially the hipster area around central taipei. The alleys are filled with gems. You will find many hipster in this area, many cafes and restaurants too. And of course, I really thankful to the internet these days when planning my holidays. Someone shared with me Rilakkuma Cafe in taiwan on FB. And so! it's a must-visit for me. Just a little tips for you guys,...

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Birthday Post

Monday, February 01, 2016 / BY hseolahcc
I have turned 26th years old on the 30th January! How time flies~ 25th was like yesterday when I was super lost and worried because I've hit the quarter crisis. But life goes on for me.. 25th was a lost year for me buried with many uncertainties. What I want for the future, where will I be in 5 years time, when will I accomplish my goals? All these thoughts were haunting and were depressing...

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