

by - Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello! I don't know how many of you actually read this space.
As of don't know when I stopped penning my personal updates and only do sharing of fashion inspirations, and then I added some visuals which I took using my phone/camera.
The change of the whole blogging is due to I wanna share more of my interest in here.
And stay low profile as a person instead of endless daily complaints about my whole life.

This post is gonna be just an update.
If you realize I have not been updating. Especially I have lots to share when the fashion weeks have kick start.

Lately, I just need some alone time for myself. So I have no idea when I will feel better to contribute like how I used to. You may still follow me on my instagram (@hseolahcc) where I update a lot. Picture speaks a thousand words.

I am kind of in a lost world now. And I feel better alone or perhaps temporary away from some groups. Not a bad thing. I will feel better once I found myself back, soon.

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