
Weekly LOTD ! Issue 001

Friday, February 28, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
Thanks to my dear friend, Joanne, for suggesting. Yes, I am gonna give this blog a revamp. Looking for more inspiration. Fashion trends is something I love following. Thus, I am gonna blog more on fashion right now -on. :)) I will try to give more contents. Will share more on beauty tips too. I will slowly plan about them kkk. And so... starting from now. I will do a weekly Looks of the Day...

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2014 Looks throughout the Year

Thursday, February 27, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
This is my first non-personal updates of 2014. Besides ranting and updating my "lively" my life is.. I am gonna share more on topics/genres I like. And I think most of them will be of fashion. Because I just love reading them and I wanna just share to whoever chance upon this tiny space :)) So... I shall kick start of my first sharing post of 2014 :) ------------------- The trends for the whole of...

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Monday, February 24, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
Today, although the monday blues was really crazy. I felt giddy at work. Must be the lack of sleep from Kukup. But! A good day with a few things that made me smile and anticipate a lot! ^^ Which are... I am going.... Bangkok & & & Korea ! ! ! Why so egg-cited?! Hitting Bangkok in Apr with my crazy bffs from work. 6 of us gonna rock Bangkok. This time maybe sourcing for...

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Sunday, February 23, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
Back from Kukup trip. And I realized I have many pending posts still not yet done. If only writing is my full-time job, I will be super diligent! Anyways, off now to rest. Work tomorrow! ...

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14th February // MDP Valentine Sales

Friday, February 14, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
Happy Valentine's Day!! Nothing is new this year... because I am still single. hahaha! Well, I said this does not mean I feel lonely. Who says Valentine's day is only for lovers. Gonna meet my girlies after work. Single ladies get together. hahhaa! We are not lonely mehhhs~~ Maison de Posh is having Valentine's Day Sales! Sooo~ while you guys lovey dovey ouside, or if you are not, shop now! We are offering $2.14 off...

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Stress at Work

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
Was reading this article awhile ago. Shall with everyone. It is going to be my 2nd year in the company. And of cause I see more things clearly right now.  Recently, I kind of get tired seeing my colleagues everyday. Some of them are really an eye sore. Yes, after you get to know them. You just want them freaking get out of your eyesight. Work have been the same. Doing same thing but I...

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