
Afraid to Love

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
I turn away and close my heart - to the promise of love that is luring. For the past has taught to not be caught, in what is not, worth pursuing - To never do the things I've done that once had led to my undoings.  - Love & Misadventure, Lang Leav ...

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I.L.L.N.E.S.S > D.E.A.T.H

Monday, January 20, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
As we grow, we came to realise how weak a human can be. Honestly, I have turned a little emotional as I grow. Maybe what they said is true. We have seen, go through much more as compared we were young. Illness, I have people around me falling ill. Some are my friends, some are just acquaintance. But when I heard of them falling ill out of sudden, I'm always dumbfounded. I start reflecting why...

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Monday, January 13, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
I don't know how many of you felt the same as me. Sometimes, I just want to be alone. Alone, in my own world. Hoping there are no disturbance. No intruders to the peace I want. When someone breaks that peace or step into that boundary, you just gave a deadly stare or felt annoyed. I am like that. Sometimes, I detached myself away from the world. I do not where I traveled to, but...

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2013 RECAP; HOPES FOR 2014

Sunday, January 05, 2014 / BY hseolahcc
Hi People! First post of 2014!! *SCREAMS* Can you believe!? It's freaking 2014 now! Time really flies like nothing. LOLS! I have decided to recap 2013 and state my hopes for 2014 first. Then, followed by the outdated 2013 posts. So let's get started~~ Jan'13: I stated my 2013 resolutions: I hope to slim down. (WTH! I know)I hope to have a pay rise. ($.$)I hope my job will be smooth for me.I hope my...

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