
Happiness.. to be selfless or selfish

by - Friday, March 03, 2017

Happiness doesn't come true selfishness, but through selflessness.
Everything you do comes back around.

Someone told me he was taught that there is no selfishness when comes to love or happiness. I must said put it in this way, there is no right or wrong in love, happiness or any relationships. It takes two hands to clap. While one party could be the one giving more but gaining less. I disagree with whoever taught him that.

To maintain relationships, it is also up to one's personality on how one deal with them. Everyone handles relationships differently. We are not perfect but we could be less hurting. Or perhaps be a little sensitive. I have witness people being insensitive to a point I judged my views on my friendship. If you want me to put it in a blunt way, it will be I'm ashamed of my friends. Ohwell, people around me have been saying it's because I have not found someone I love, that's why I kind of don't understand this part. Like as if love means boy-girl relationship. It can mean family love too right? Weird people~ hahaha!

Anyway, I just want to say that we have the rights to love someone. But I think we should still have some humane in us. Show some empathy and understanding. Be a little more sensitive towards what you are posting on social media and saying. If your words contradict with your actions, then you have no rights to blame people or comment certain things. I find people who contradict themselves a little annoying, for girls, is like being bitchy or bimbo.

Time to go~ let's all do some self-reflect, bye!

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