
Birthday Post - The 27th

by - Monday, January 30, 2017

생일 축하합니다!!


Yes, I have turn 27 today (before that my draft was 28. I follow too much on the lunar (korean) calendar~ ahahha!). 
Looking back how I was still a child then young teenager and now adult, just amazing how time flies.

I'm already in my late 20s. I realised I have a changed in how I view things and how I react to certain issues. More mature? I can't possibly keep living in the past thinking people would still be the same. All I want is to be more happy and less worry. I think I have overcome most of the hardest reality that these past 5-7 years have tortured me.

To the people who I've lost or stop contacting, I understand we have taken a different path. But I'm glad we were once in the same direction. To people who have made used of me, thank you for making me come to senses. I won't be there for you anymore. I hope you are happy with where you are now and who you are with now. To the people who are currently still with me and closed to me, I hope we stay the same. Maybe because of each of our commitments, we are unable to see each other often. But technology has make it easy for us to stay contactable anywhere and anytime. I will be there for you.

Let us see by the end of 2017, how many more people I will gain and loss. If you are wondering why I stop replying texts and hang out, perhaps, I just want to have peace in my life. The less people I hang out with, the less problem I will have :)

Thanks whoever who wishes me and Happy Lunar New Year everyone!!

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