

by - Thursday, October 08, 2015

Sorry for my lack of sharing/updates. 
Have been thinking a lot recently.
1/4 crisis is a bitch. I became kind of sensitive.

Your circle of friends start to move on, they have their own life to be busy about. Some of them meeting new people whereas me? I do meet a few people but I don't meet them out of work. Some of them found love and busy dating, whereas me, I am kind of anti-social or I need time to get close with people. So I am free and single. Not being envy, I do hope to find someone who I can love and spend time with. But just have not find that precious HIM.

I always wonder what life would be with HIM. But my friends mostly disappear from chats or my life after getting attached. So I guess I would be the same too. What comes around goes around. I have many group chats in my whatsapp. Guess what? None of them are really active. Some even don't talk for weeks/months. I feel like exiting the chat because it's kind of making the timeline a bit overflowing of chats. LOL!

When we grow, most of our friends, I don't know what's up with their lives. You can't seem to meet them up after initiating a gathering. Forever busy. Yet, when they are free, I supposed because their first few plans got screwed up, they asked you if you are free for a meet up! But some times it ended up I already have plans. Of course if I'm available I usually agree not thinking if there will be better plans coming. My stand "First come first serve".

Another thing I dislike the most is that some of my friends assumed I have lots of calls for heading out. They have the thoughts I'm always out with 'friends'. I wonder who they think I'm with. Real friends or virtual ones. Weird people~ So the reason they gave me was "Oh! I see you like busy. So never ask you." Please~ don't want ask just shut up. No need to come up with lame reasons.

So I have come up with some changes I want to make for myself!

1. Meet selective people only. I'm gonna limit myself to certain people whom I want to meet.
2. Try going out alone to cafes. People watch, read book, use my laptop to do more things, take picture of random things.
3. Shop alone. You can have less comments on things you friends doesn't share the same sentiments. 
4. Open to meet new people who likes to venture world with me. Like-minded people.
5. Travel alone! It's one of my life resolution. Like YOLO kind.
6. Spend time with family. Bring my parents to good food places.

That's about all. I can't wait for my Taiwan trip to come to some up 2015 travel plans.
Welcoming 2016 soon and my first long flight and virgin trip to USA! Whee~~

Till then!

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