

by - Sunday, July 13, 2014

2014 have been a exciting year for me so far.
This is because I have travel twice already.
Normally, I travel once a year. But 2014 is thrice!!

In Apr'14, I visited BKK for the second time! Different companions and I definitely love it!
In May'14, it was my virgin trip to Seoul. Yes! How much I love the culture and fashion over there! I still miss Seoul so much~ that I wanna migrate. Of cosh it's with a very bad companion but I enjoyed the time wandering alone in Seoul city. 

Right now!!
I have my 3rd trip coming up this Oct'14 ^^
It's a family trip. Without my sister because of her internship. 
And guess where I am heading!

None other than HONGKONG! My 3rd time in HK.
But will be spending more time in Shenzhen. Hopefully, we have time for Macau :D
Joining my parents and me will be my 2 aunts and uncle. Ohwells, with elders in this trip. Im okay to drift away from them to explore HK myself.
And im sure my hippie mum will stick to me. Along with my hippie dad!

Anyways, I have not been exploring HK in a good way!
Could anyone be nice to recommend me places to eat, shop and must-go take pictures!! hahaha!
Kindly drop me an email @ ceciliaheom@gmail.com.


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