

by - Monday, November 05, 2012

안녕! 이제 11 월이다.

기분이좀슬퍼요. 왜요? 나 도몰라. :(

Met up w a few happy friends to end my October.
My 2 lovely girls, faviia and tinghuan. yes~ althou I see Ms Koh everyday at work. But they are the 2 I needed most. hahaha! The few who still with me:)

My dear Yanqing jie is finally back from her holiday at Korea. Helped me buy Dr Tony. Although I still see no effect. hahaha! slowly uh~ she also gave me super many samples. I think I can bring them to BKK to use. No need find bottles to squeeze. hahaha! Thank you^^ Forever treating me like a sister. Feel so blessed. Cant wait for BKK w her! hahaha!

Took leave on last Friday. Impromptu meet up w the Sumo Sisters, Jean & Agnes. Never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for accompany me on my off day. hehehe! Love many! Hopefully my leave on 16th is granted so I can finally return to school k??

Caught Skyfall on the same day w cousin and his friends. Nice movie! A must watch in November! ^^ 4/5 ratings for me. Afterwhich, we went to have some Rochor taohuey. and it started drizzling towards the end.

Met lovely girls on Saturday for dinner after my hair treatment. Rainy day spent shortly w them. After dinner, we did an impromptu thing! We went cash studio at Cuppage to sing. Just because feimao was asking what should we do. Tinghuan said SING! then feimao were choosing cashstudio, teoheng. So I said theres cash studio in town. hahaa! They were like HAVE MEHS!? dont trust lehs! haahaha! WEnt singing. We had fun although I almost fell asleep. Night rider home. It's like my 2nd time taking night rider. luckily it stops near my house. hehehe~ lucky me w lucky girls.

Some back tracks now!!

Korean BBQ w classmates - 13.10.12
Treated Mummy & le sis to Paradise Dynasty - 26.10.12
Met up w Sumo Sisters - 02.11.12
Today, I had a bad day at work. It's Monday blues and work stuff made it worst.
I used to know & learn that the capable ones will excel in every ways. But now, the capable ones are taking up most of the shits. Good or bad, I don't know. But it can result hating the not so capable ones because they get to escape from most of the shit. Simple tasks will not even be given to them. I feel like telling my boss, I know Im new but there are other new employees also. Also, Gen Y. Why am I getting so many stuffs whereas they only do things in their areas. I guess things are never fair. In the end, I will just have to STFU and do it. Sigh~ dreaded to go work because I am having my down period. I hope I will find myself back some time soon.

Cant wait for BKK. but at the same time some lil things are making me pissed. Please don't ruin my holiday that I long waited. U will hear nasty things from me if I cannot control. I am no longer a person who try not to be straightforward. I have learn the other way. New changes. I adapt to the environment. This is how I survive. GAME. Life is also a type of game.

Shall end here. Be back when I feel like leaving some words here.

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