2 0 1 9 | MY B I R T H DA Y
Decided to pen some thoughts here. The purpose of keeping ad updating this space is because I want to find an avenue to put out some thoughts of mine here and of course trying to improve my writing skills. But I find it hard because I have quite a bit of commitment now.
Some reflections on 2018:
2018 was a tough year and it felt I did not accomplish much and the year passed by in lightning speed. I was in an unstable state with my life, somehow lost in direction. Maybe it is what they said "mid-career crisis". However, I believe no jobs are perfect just like how human has our imperfections. There are flaws in every single role or company. Nevertheless, through all these flaws, I've met many good people at work so less off the unhappiness, the workplace is pretty fun with that majority of them.
I always love traveling. So every year I plan a mid-year and end year trips. Last year, I went to Hong Kong for a short trip and visited my relatives. Somehow, may be complicated, but I do enjoy having relatives in other countries. You feel safe~ haha~ if you know what I mean.
After Christmas, my mom and I flew off to South Korea for our countdown trip. It's the second both of us ending the year and counting the next outside of Singapore. It was also our first winter holiday. To be honest, as much I love the cold, it was bearable, not so in Busan, but my skin started to react to the dry conditions. However, I am happy with the trip. We visited places we have never been, new neighborhoods and new attractions.
I am planning a 2019 one may be with my girls. We went to Japan together in 2017, never Korea. Let's hope my schedule would fit the dates!
Year 2019:
It will be the year I'm twenty-nine years old, meaning the last year in my twenties. Honestly, it's not the number that I mind. It is the time that passes by all these years and I am welcoming a new decade next year. I just hope the year will be fine and both my emotional and social states will be good. Anyhow, I am completing my degree this year, seriously can't wait!
29th Birthday:
While penning thoughts about 2018 and 2019, time flew and today it's my birthday. A year has passed. Thankful for all the wishes from family and friends. My wish for everyone is to be happy and love yourself more. Yep, this year, I'm gonna treat myself better. I realized for the longest time I have been stressing myself very much. Thus, I want to give myself more love from now. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!