
Sum up 2017

by - Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 is a great year. And why I say that? Because in 2017, I am happier than any other years before. I think it's my happiest year since adulthood. LOL!

Firstly, I went to school after 5 years and am taking my university degree now. Through that, I've met new friends and they are wonderful. Secondly, I left my job after being more than 5 years with them. I miss the people there because they've made work fun. But it's a breakthrough for me to move on and venture a new world.

Third, I finally brought my parents to Korea. This time, Busan was on the itinerary but we could not explore much in Busan because my dad wasn't feeling well and we only have 2D1N in Busan. So~ I will definitely spend more time in Busan the next time. People who know me surely know how much I love Korea. Thus, being able to visit Korea after 3 years, was definitely a happy thing for me.

Lastly, I concluded the year with another travel trip to Japan. What's so great?! It's my first time in Japan, first time with my gfriends and finally, I get to travel alone. It was a solo trip except for Tokyo because I met up with my gfriends there and other friends. I took the plane alone and traveled in Kyoto and Osaka alone. I have been wanting to travel solo and in 2017, it came true.

I did not make any resolutions in early 2017 because I feel there isn't a need to. The more you expect yourself to accomplish certain things and when you don't, you will feel sad. Then, it will affect your entire year because you just keep on thinking about it. So without expecting much, 2017 was definitely the year I will remember because I was definitely very happy.

With such mindset, I will not be setting any expectations for myself in 2018, and live by being myself. Hoping everyone around me will be happy too. Let's see what 2018 will be as we move along... I will sure be typing more here as I am more expressive by writing out my thoughts. Also, I will stay as positive as I can and spread this to the people around me. More positivity, less negativity.

Happy New Year to all!

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