
BTS - 봄날 (Spring Day)

Monday, March 27, 2017 / BY hseolahcc
보고 싶다  이렇게 말하니까 더 보고 싶다  너희 사진을 보고 있어도  보고 싶다 너무 야속한 시간  나는 우리가 밉다  이젠 얼굴 한 번 보는 것도  힘들어진 우리가  여긴 온통 겨울 뿐이야  8월에도 겨울이 와 마음은 시간을 달려가네  홀로 남은 설국열차  니 손 잡고 지구 반대편까지 가  겨울을 끝내고파 그리움들이 얼마나  눈처럼 내려야 그 봄날이 올까  Friend 허공을 떠도는  작은 먼지처럼 작은 먼지처럼  날리는 눈이 나라면  조금 더 빨리  네게 닿을 수 있을 텐데 눈꽃이 떨어져요 ...

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Happiness.. to be selfless or selfish

Friday, March 03, 2017 / BY hseolahcc
Happiness doesn't come true selfishness, but through selflessness. Everything you do comes back around. Someone told me he was taught that there is no selfishness when comes to love or happiness. I must said put it in this way, there is no right or wrong in love, happiness or any relationships. It takes two hands to clap. While one party could be the one giving more but gaining less. I disagree with whoever taught him...

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Wednesday, March 01, 2017 / BY hseolahcc
With a blink of eye, we are in the 3rd month of 2017. My year end trip cum new year trip ended in early Jan. End Jan to early Feb was Lunar New Year and it's over again. From Dec to early Feb have been the joyous month where we were hit by festive seasons. Thus, it felt like no one is working. Now, the CBD is back to normal. Crowds everywhere.  Some things happened...

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