Hello! I'm back! Really apologize for the lack of updates. Have been busy with work lately. Work stress is neverending. But I shall look it on a brighter side. Busy is good because I will have less time to fret over some issues. Currently, touring Taiwan!!! See more of my visuals by following my instagram @hseolahcc !! Till then! ...
[Sponsored]: Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File
Thursday, October 29, 2015 / BY hseolahcc
Really happy to receive this electronic foot file from Sample Store & Scholl! Have been wanting to buy a simple foot file from online shops. Girls being girls.. After buying lots of products for face to hands. Now I want to treat my feet. hehehe! I am sure Scholl is not something unfamiliar to most of you. Their products are mainly for feet. You can find wide range of foot care products from Scholl. And it is definitely...
Sorry for my lack of sharing/updates. Have been thinking a lot recently. 1/4 crisis is a bitch. I became kind of sensitive. Your circle of friends start to move on, they have their own life to be busy about. Some of them meeting new people whereas me? I do meet a few people but I don't meet them out of work. Some of them found love and busy dating, whereas me, I am kind of...
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