
태국을 간다!

by - Thursday, December 06, 2012

안녕! 나 왔어! ㅎㅎㅎ

우선, 빅뱅오빠들 MAMA 2012 대상 축아해!! 착 착 착!

I shall not blog unhappy stuff today.
Because....Im going BKK soon! Soooo happy! ^^

Last out of Singapore was back in Feb with my classmates to Taipei!
This time will be with my promoters' group to BKK! I will be counting down Christmas up in the sky.
hahaha! So cool! No more lonely christmas!

It will be my first time to Bangkok. I hope it won't be that over-rated. I have high hopes for this trip! hahaha! And hope this month pay will be a little nice for me to shop more! hehehe!

Also, I have changed my layout! Gotten a header design from the web and edit it with my new blog name on it! Cool right? hahaha! OOPS!

now.. i will start my fangirl-ing time. hehehe!
Recently, I get into the group B.A.P because I saw them somewhere.
And main vocal Daehyun look not bad uh! hahaha! New little brother added to my list.
Bang Yong Guk's voice is too deep that I always laugh when he speaks.

Anyways, B.A.P's had recently released a song called '하지마- Stop It'. Their previous songs released were 'Warrior', 'No Mercy' & '대박사건'. Not a bad idol group~ please look out for them! ^^

Credit: http://fuckyeahdaehyun.tumblr.com

On MC today, tomorrow is Friday! 19th December coming soon!! BKK BKK BKK~~ 우싸!
Amazing December! ^^

Nights! 굿밤!

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