

by - Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finally, am back to write something about my life. haha!

i cant really remember everything. what can a working girl life be? mon-fri work. sat and sunday out to play or rest. thats all! however, im grateful to have some dearest people with me.

This August was a fast one. It is coming to an end. and i am welcoming September.

Shall talk about my life at work. Had  2 days of Problem solving training. it's like PSPS! the speaker or trainer was okay. he's the judge for Kaizen. that means im gonna see him for kaizen presentation. ohmy~

Nothing great. Some of you may wonder if i like my job. To me, getting a job isnt simple nowadays. I think i am lucky to be accepted easily by a big MNC co. To be considered that im just a diploma grad. Compare to people w experience and maybe w a degree. To be able to find a stable job is good enough for me already.
I may not have high hopes or expectations in life. But thats my life isnt it? well, many people may judge me but i dont care. as long as im happy...
In the corporate world, most of the humans are selfish. Compare to campus life, the outside world is 100 times horrible. People may like or dislike you personally. All you have to do is trust yourself and no one else. With my character, im actually having a hard time but i wont tell anyone.
In life you have to make yourself happy in the heart. Yes! there may be others makin u happy but whats more important is you yourself are happy.

Sometimes, i miss the 3 years that everyday i go school w a smile. the laughter and tears ive shared with many of them. those great memories are still in my head. that 3 years was the best in my whole life. i really hope my juniors are doing fine now:) dont always think that life isnt great. these 3 years can change and create many wonderful chapters of your life. the next part of your life will be your future. No one will help you except yourself. hopefully, my dear juniors will understand:)

Recently, i tried to meet up with dearest Jane n Huiyi! <3
This 2 sweeties came all the way to Tanjong Pagar for dinner because it's better for me. We had pasta for dinz at Muffets Cafe.
after which, we walked around duxton road n duxton hill. Went Broadway Cafe to chill. There were only us in the shop. We really talked alot. From school till present.
I really hope all of us excel in our own world! Happy for them because they are doing something that they like. Not saying Im unhappy. Who knows I may excel also?

ohya~ next week im going to the ZOO! how many decades since ive been to the zoo. hahaha! excited for it. one thing to look forward to next week. gonna have dimsum buffet with YQjie next sunday. hopefully the plan is confirm. hehehe!

ALSO! my cutest lil bro, woenchuin app-ed me out of blue yesterday! i thought im forgotten. but really happy that once awhile my juniors still text me and make me smile:)

I had a terrible week. I hope and pray for a better one next week.

AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU. I guess I really have to be friendly.

some pics to share:

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