“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another.” —Anatole France For the better, for the happiness, I've made a decision. Embarking on a path that it may be risky to me. However, it may bring me happiness too. Surviving, was what I tried to. To have faith, to adapt and...
Place: National Palace Museum Location: Taipei, Taiwan When I first visited Taiwan, I went to this place but didn't spend much time. My friends doesn't really know how to appreciate the cultural history at the museum, so we kind of walk and left. It was New Year day and so entry was free. Cheapthrill for my mom and I. We didn't come to here the last time during our family trip. However, it was really...
This is the best fireworks shots I've captured. It's always one of my goals to countdown outside of my country, and I did it in 2016. Counting down in Taipei at Taipei 101 was just cool. It was the first time I do not have to stand and squeeze to capture fireworks moments. Everyone was sitting down on the road capturing the beautiful moment. ...
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