I think T-ara members should read on John C Maxwell's book on Encouragment. So many dramas among them. ...
Met Jo today! Shes a nice friend! I think we get close together not becos of samsung days but after we both have our own career. ^^ shopping was great! Once in every month would cheer me up! Hahahah! After working, i realised i have think differently. I have many clashes pf thoughts w most of my friends. However, one that is disappointed was becos close to none encourages me. I thougjt friend are supposed...
New Start
Monday, July 23, 2012 / BY hseolahcc
Hello! Back with blogger. But dont think I will post frequently. heheeh! Anyws, Please support BoA and B2ST's albums! 보아언니 와 비스트 엘범 응원응원주세요!! ^^ 뼝! ...
test. ...
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